Instead of going to the dentist when patients are in pain, they end up taking trips to the ER instead. The ER really cannot do anything that has to do with a patients teeth except give them medication for the pain. Americans are showing up to emergency rooms for their dental issues when they realize that their issues end up becoming too intolerable. Most patients are losing all of their access to routine maintenance because of the Medicaid cuts. There are even more dentists that have chosen to not even accept Medicaid because the government payments are not even keeping up with any of the costs. This is definitely seen as a problem in the healthcare system when patients are showing up to facilities for dental issues when these facilities do not even have any dentist staff members. There were about 86% of patients that visited the ER for gingivitis or other infections that have to do with their teeth. When governments end up cutting back, this is what happens as a result, but patients are not able to get the same type of treatment that they can get if they had just went to see a regular dentist. They are putting their selves at risk for diabetes and even heart conditions because that is what untreated dental conditions can end up leading to.

Published 03/07/2012

Tips for getting free Dental work:

  • Be prepared to provide documentation of your income and residency. Many free dental clinics require patients to provide documentation of their income and residency in order to qualify for services.
  • Call ahead to schedule an appointment. Most free dental clinics require patients to schedule an appointment in advance.

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